El Club 70 de Sagua la Grande fue fundado el 19 de agosto de 1999, pero su fiesta inaugural no fue realizada hasta un año después, el 10 de julio de 2000. Este grupo de amantes de la música se reunía para ver vídeos musicales desde 1986, enviados por Undosovisión, pero la idea de hacer un grupo como tal no surge hasta una década más tarde. En un pintoresco pueblo a orillas del Undoso, la generación del setenta se reunían todas las noches en las en su parque central con una radio portátil para escuchar lo que estaba sucediendo en la industria de la música de los Estados Unidos de América. El gobierno cubano prohíbía esta actitud y todo se hacía con la intriga y el temor de ser sorprendido, pero “el pelo largo” siempre los delataba. Con el paso de los años la generación creció y ahora con la gran nostalgia de ese pasado reciente, deciden reunirse para recordar la década prodigiosa. El Club 70 se limita a recibir videos de los años setentas, que no pudieron ser vistos durante la cortina de hierro, hecho verdaderamente triste si se tiene en cuenta que toda la juventud latinoamericana los pudo disfrutar en tiempo real. El club compila y archiva ademas música en cinta y CD, asi como datos y fechas de las canciones y sus cantantes.
Los miembros fundadores son: Carlos Salgado, Lázaro Sarduy, Emilio Guirola, Rafael Jiménez, Miguel Jiménez, Emilio González, Fidel González, Angel Antunez, Pedro Suárez, Rafael Sotolongo, Isidro Rodríguez, Leonel Mollineda, y Enrique Jr Isoba.
Nombre completo: Seventies Club
Sus abreviaturas son: 70’s C
Logo: (Ver arriba, al principio)
El club tiene reuniones los sábados en diferentes lugares, sin embargo su sitio original de reunión era EJ Varona # 36 en la ciudad de Sagua. Las reuniones son con el único propósito de ver vídeos, escuchar música, y compartir los recuerdos en un formato social para enseñar a las generaciones más jóvenes acerca del genesis de la música actual la cual deriva del Rock, Pop, Rhythm y Blues, Country y música electrónica moderna surgida en los 60’s y 70’s. En estos encuentros, un día está reservado para estudiar un determinado artista o un grupo musical. A veces todo el mes se reserva para estudiar un artista y su música; foto de álbumes, así como noticias en recortes de periódico a modo de archivo musical. El club también hace picnics, acampa, monta bicicleta, etc, visita la playa y las cuevas de Mogote (sitios donde podrán escuchar sus melodías norteamericanas favoritas sin ser molestado). Todos los miembros del club hablan inglés, o al menos tratan de mejorar el idioma. Son casi todos verdaderos expertos en la música de la segunda mitad del siglo XX (América del Norte e Inglaterra). Hay otros, como Carlos Salgado, que se especializan en una banda en específico, en este caso: ”The Beatles”. Saludable reunión de personas que no causan ningún daño, sólo desean unir los corazones a través de la música que les gusta. Dios bendiga al 70’s Club.
The 70s Club of Sagua la Grande was founded in August 19 of 1999, but its inaugural celebration was not realized until a year later on July 10, 2000.
This group of music lovers was receiving music videos since 1986, via Undosovision, but the idea to make a group did not emerge until a decade later.
In a quaint small town, by the shores of the Undoso River, the young seventies generation would gather every night in the towns central park with a portable radio and listen to what was happening in the music industry in the United States of America. The Cuban government prohibited the North American music; therefore the young music lovers had to listen in fear and hide in order to avoid being snatched by police and having their long hair being cut.
With the passing of the years that generation grew and now with great nostalgia they reunited to reminisce the wonderful decade of the seventies. This takes place in spite of the realistic presence of the Cuban government and their belittlement of anything that came from North America since they perceive them as the enemy.
This group of young people sole intent is to unite through a decade of music, to listen and watch videos that were sent to them from Undosovision from the United States of America.
Undosovison is a simple symbolic name, that yours truly Tintín, has given to his productions and collections which for that past 15 years I have sent to Cuba. My sole purpose is to keep the Cuban population abreast of the events that take place in a democratic country.
The 70s Club only receives videos of the seventies decade, since they were not able to watch them in their country due the regime in power since 1959. This regime destroyed all that was North American once it came into power, yet it pretends to recover the lost years.
The founding members are:
Carlos Salgado, Lazaro Saduy, Emilio Guirola, Rafael Jimenez, Miguel Jimenez, Emilio Gonzalez, Fidel Gonzalez, Angel Antunez, Pedro Suarez, Rafael Sotolongo, Isidro Rodriguez, Leonel Mollineda, and Enrique Isoba Jr.
Its director is Carlos Salgado, who resides in the city of Sagua la Grande and its international president is Tintín who resides in Miami, Florida and unites other clubs under the umbrella of Undosovision.
Full Name: Seventies Club:
It's abbreviations are: 70's C
The club has meetings very Saturday in different places, nevertheless its original meeting place was E.J. Varona # 36 in the city of Sagua. The meetings are with the sole purpose to watch videos, listen to music, and share memories within a social format to teach the younger generation about a past decade of, Rock, Pop, Rhythm and Blues, and Country amongst other music. In this gatherings test are given to the younger generation to see if they are familiar with the music and its artists, as well as to determine their level of expertise in the matter. One day is set aside to study a predetermined artist or a musical group. Sometimes a whole month is set aside to study an artist and his music. Picture are filed in albums, as well as news paper clippings of the North American artists, that are sent to them from friends in the Unites States of America. For their enjoyment they also receive old records, cassettes and videos from the 60s and 70s decade, as well as other activities.
The club also does picnics, camping, bicycling, etcTheir music always accompanies them to the beach and to the caves in Mogote where they can listen to their favorite melodies without being bothered.
All the club members speak English, or at the very least they try to improve they language skills daily. They are almost all experts in the North American music from the second part of the XX Century. There are others, such as Carlos Salgado who is an expert in such bands as The Beatles. Yet others, such as Lazaro Sarduy dominate very well what place a particular group or song held. We also have musicians that learn the songs with expertise. In conclusion, they are all excellent fans of this music.
This is healthy gathering of people that dont cause any harm, it only wishes to unite hearts through the music they love.
God Bless the 70s Club.
This group of music lovers was receiving music videos since 1986, via Undosovision, but the idea to make a group did not emerge until a decade later.
In a quaint small town, by the shores of the Undoso River, the young seventies generation would gather every night in the towns central park with a portable radio and listen to what was happening in the music industry in the United States of America. The Cuban government prohibited the North American music; therefore the young music lovers had to listen in fear and hide in order to avoid being snatched by police and having their long hair being cut.
With the passing of the years that generation grew and now with great nostalgia they reunited to reminisce the wonderful decade of the seventies. This takes place in spite of the realistic presence of the Cuban government and their belittlement of anything that came from North America since they perceive them as the enemy.
This group of young people sole intent is to unite through a decade of music, to listen and watch videos that were sent to them from Undosovision from the United States of America.
Undosovison is a simple symbolic name, that yours truly Tintín, has given to his productions and collections which for that past 15 years I have sent to Cuba. My sole purpose is to keep the Cuban population abreast of the events that take place in a democratic country.
The 70s Club only receives videos of the seventies decade, since they were not able to watch them in their country due the regime in power since 1959. This regime destroyed all that was North American once it came into power, yet it pretends to recover the lost years.
The founding members are:
Carlos Salgado, Lazaro Saduy, Emilio Guirola, Rafael Jimenez, Miguel Jimenez, Emilio Gonzalez, Fidel Gonzalez, Angel Antunez, Pedro Suarez, Rafael Sotolongo, Isidro Rodriguez, Leonel Mollineda, and Enrique Isoba Jr.
Its director is Carlos Salgado, who resides in the city of Sagua la Grande and its international president is Tintín who resides in Miami, Florida and unites other clubs under the umbrella of Undosovision.
Full Name: Seventies Club:
It's abbreviations are: 70's C
The club has meetings very Saturday in different places, nevertheless its original meeting place was E.J. Varona # 36 in the city of Sagua. The meetings are with the sole purpose to watch videos, listen to music, and share memories within a social format to teach the younger generation about a past decade of, Rock, Pop, Rhythm and Blues, and Country amongst other music. In this gatherings test are given to the younger generation to see if they are familiar with the music and its artists, as well as to determine their level of expertise in the matter. One day is set aside to study a predetermined artist or a musical group. Sometimes a whole month is set aside to study an artist and his music. Picture are filed in albums, as well as news paper clippings of the North American artists, that are sent to them from friends in the Unites States of America. For their enjoyment they also receive old records, cassettes and videos from the 60s and 70s decade, as well as other activities.
The club also does picnics, camping, bicycling, etcTheir music always accompanies them to the beach and to the caves in Mogote where they can listen to their favorite melodies without being bothered.
All the club members speak English, or at the very least they try to improve they language skills daily. They are almost all experts in the North American music from the second part of the XX Century. There are others, such as Carlos Salgado who is an expert in such bands as The Beatles. Yet others, such as Lazaro Sarduy dominate very well what place a particular group or song held. We also have musicians that learn the songs with expertise. In conclusion, they are all excellent fans of this music.
This is healthy gathering of people that dont cause any harm, it only wishes to unite hearts through the music they love.
God Bless the 70s Club.
Para ver su Website poncha aquí: http://70sclub.tripod.com/